Carpet Cleaners Association Of New Zealand.
Promoting and enhancing professional carpet cleaning services throughout New Zealand.

Why use a CCANZ member?

Reason one
All members are formally trained and have qualifications with the IICRC.
This means you can expect the highest level of service and a professional result.

Reason two
All members work to industry standards such as AS/NZS 3733-2018.
This is important because it ensures carpet manufacturers warranties remain valid.
Reason three
All members have public liability and professional indemnity insurance.
This provides you with peace of mind.
Our Goal at CCANZ
CCANZ has two principal objectives: assisting the interests of it members in a business sense, and ensuring the professional standards of the carpet cleaning industry are upheld.
CCANZ has Members throughout
New Zealand
Since 2000 CCANZ has been promoting and enhancing professional carpet cleaning services through out
New Zealand,
100+ years of collective experience within the membership base
CCANZ is the only association in New Zealand for professional carpet cleaning companies
Member 1
I support CCANZ because it promotes the highest standards of quality service, training and workmanship for our industry"
Member 2
CCANZ has created a network of likeminded professional companies to share knowledge,
experience and advice that’s invaluable”
experience and advice that’s invaluable”
Member 3